Effort Reporting System Copyright 2005-2014 Regents of The University of California Version 10.11 B005 Released 08/20/2014 Fixed: Archive Payroll Report truncating FAU when creating archive payroll report. Version 10.11 B004 Released 06/20/2014 Fixed: Period status flag was not properly set to 'A' (Archived) when effort report archive completed. Fixed: Oracle driver ojdbc14.jar replaced with Oracle 11g driver files providing better BLOB support (needed by Archive process) *** IMPORTANT *** Be sure to backup ERS before running the Archive process Version 10.11 B003 Released 05/01/2014 Fixed: Corrupt employee.hbm class contained a UCPATH employee ID causing PAR load to fail. Version 10.11 B002 Released 04/23/2014 -Fix 3724: Archive process does not delete earnings This has been corrected. The archive process has been modified to delete earning and earning version records. PLEASE NOTE THE ARCHIVE PROCESS SHOULD NOT BE RUN DURING NORMAL PRODUCTION HOURS. The archive process should be run in the evening. Larger archives should be run on the weekend. The archive process will typically archive 800 effort reports per hour. Typically, a reporting period has 10,000 to 20,000 effort reports. For a list of estimated archive run times by period, please contact the ServiceNow help desk. Version 10.11 B001 Released 03/03/14 -Impl 3711: Archive and Purge functionallity. A new archive batch process allows Effort Reports and their associated payroll reports to be moved to archive tables, by reporting period. The archive process is a batch process run by the production support group. A new purge process can be used to permanently delete Effort Reports from the archive tables (by period). Please consult your record retention policy before submitting a purge request. -Impl 3644: UCSF Reporting Enhancements - Enhancement to Compliance Report prompts and Effort Report filtering. See attached document "UCSF Request - Bugzilla Item 3644 for ERS 10.11" These enhancements are controlled by switch search-alternate-filter4-visible in configuration file ERSConfig.xml Version 10.10 B002 Released 06/27/13 -Impl 2919: Email notification text update capabilities. Campuses may update the email notification text from administration menu for any of the event codes. Version 10.10 B001 Released 06/17/13 -Impl 2924: New “Late Certifications” compliance report. A new compliance report, Late Certifications, has been added to monitor late certification activities. -Impl 3212: Add report version and status on the drill-down payroll details. Report version number, version date and report status has been added to the payroll drill-down page. -Impl 3225: Add a configuration item to let campuses bypass the schedule type assignment logic in case of a combination of 9/9 and 9/12 appointment. A new config level option, bypass-11over12-appointment-check, has been added for campuses to bypass the schedule type assignment logic in case of a combination of 9/9 and 9/12 appointment. -Impl 3315: Enable removing “preliminary review” flag after report certification. The “preliminary review” flag can be updated from the “view Effort Report” screen. -Impl 3322: Add a confirmation message after config reload. A confirmation message has been added after successful config reload from the administration menu. -Fix 2940: Restrict account department search The account department search, when the “search certification required” box is checked, will search for current effort reports with non-zero efforts only. -Fix 3192: Application fails if user subscribes to his own search. User cannot subscribe to his own myProjects and myCertifications searches any more. -Fix 3221 & 3222: Search employee screen fails Search employee screen fails if a non-existing employee id is entered for “View Additional Employee List” or “View Cannot certify List” under the administration functions. This has been corrected. -Fix 3223: The application fails if user tries to sort display list on “Add addition employee” screen This has been corrected. -Fix 3245: The latepay process removes “exception” status incorrectly. In some cases, the latepay process incorrectly removes “exception” status of an effort report. This has been corrected. -Fix 3327: ERS internal sign-on needs to trim user id. When using ERS internal authentication, the user id need to be trimmed of surrounding spaces. This has been corrected. -Fix 3242: ERS link on email notifications. ERS notifications sent via emails provide users a link to sign-on to ERS application. However, this link uses ERS base URL and in some cases, takes uses to a campus selection screen. For campuses using external sign-on, a new config level variable, ApplicationSingleSignonURL, has been added. The new link will be used for email notifications to access ERS application. Version 10.9 B002 Released 03/14/13 -Fix 2471: (Bug reopened) Sponsored project line item zeroed out but payroll detail shows non-zero calculated amount The fix for this bug has been backed out due to decimal overflow exception. Version 10.9 B001 Released 12/18/12 -Impl 2822: Remove the HTML versions of compliance reports. The button for HTM version of the report on the compliance reports screen has been removed. -Impl 3091: Allow for removing an account PI from the associated project. The account PI interface has been changed to add a new field - action code. This field will be used to unflag (delete) a PI flagged as account PI for a particular project. Please refer to “interface file specifications” document for the new file format. In addition, a new config option has been added to indicate if the campus is enforcing "one account PI per project" rule. If this rule is enforced, the application will automatically unflag any existing PI as account PI when adding a new one for a project. -Impl 3234: Automate INTF notifications to be sent out every day. Currently notification dispatcher send out any and all notifications. This has been enhanced to send out any particular notification based on event code. This is intended to send out "INTF" notifications on a daily basis to keep users informed of interface file loading. -Fix 1632: FS interface process does not set the start date for the funding source record. The FS interface has been corrected to populate the start date as current system date when adding a new funding source. -Fix 1886: Apply HTML escape to all appropriate output fields in the system administration modules. For security consideration, HTML escape has been applied for all appropriate output fields in the system administration modules. -Fix 2194: Issue an error message if user attempt to certify an already certified report. If a user tries to certify an already certified report, the user will get a pop-up message that the report is already certified. -Fix 2489: Effort report status at summary level and campus level does not calculate percentage of reports on time correctly. The reports with status “Adjustment Required” are now excluded from the total reports used in the calculation of percentage of reports on time. -Fix 3027: Remove “Required” as one of the statuses available for selection from the drop-down on the report list page. From the statuses available for selection from the drop-down on the report list page, "required" option has been removed. This option is internal to the application. -Fix 3043: “Certify Effort Report” button not dimmed and disabled in certain cases “Certify Effort Report” button was not dimmed when report is in multi-line certification mode or when report has unsaved data. The button is dimmed and disabled under these two cases now. -Fix 3046: Remove “Reopen Effort Report” button from the “Comment Log” screen. “Reopen Effort Report” button has been removed from “Comment Log” screen. -Fix 3100: System looses original certifier when a report is changed from “certified/adjustment required” to “certified”. This has been corrected and the system will carry forward the original certifier user id and name to the "certified" version of the report. -Fix 3117: Externalize “Service Period” lable to allow for campus specific lable on the report view/edit page. A new externalixed field label - - has been added. -Fix 3118: Remove system inbuilt searches when the employee id is removed or changed for an ERS user. The system inbuilt searches, myProjects and myCertifications, are associated with an employee id. These searches will now be deleted if the employee id is changed for a user. -Fix 3135: System inbuilt searches are not created if the user has subscribed to other PI’s myProjects or myCertifications searches. If a user has subscribed to other PI's searches, application may not build that user's searches. This has been corrected. -Fix 3180: External authentication redirection for error page not working In case of external authentication, when a user is not authorized to use ERS, the application does not correctly redirects user to the right error page. -Fix 3233: Certifier name shows as "null" if missing Certifier name shows as "null" if missing in the Not Self-Certified report. This has been corrected. Version 10.8 B003 Released 09/24/12 -Fix 2940: (Bug reopened) Account Dept search - Option to filter out all effort reports where the searched dept is below the line The default value of the "Restrict to certification-required effort only" checkbox does not work if the user land on this search page directly (please see enhancement #3036) -Fix 3183: Location code filter does not show up For campuses using false, the JavaScript error prevents the location code filter to display on the generate compliance report screen. This has been corrected. Version 10.8 B001 Released 05/16/12 -Impl 2834: Retain the 1% tolerance rule for on-line transactions. Conditionally apply the 1% tolerance rule for on-line transaction for retaining report certifications. This applies to reports marked for multiple line certifications only. -Impl 3030: Systematically correct unrecognized earnings. Identify effort reports with unrecognized earnings during the processing of an FS interface file and systematically correcting those reports. Only “open” effort reports are corrected. FS interface job has been modified to cache all unrecognized earnings and create a late pay table record for any effort report which needs to be rebuilt due to a new FAU. Regular late pay processing job will process and rebuild these effort reports. -Impl 3036: Provide campuses the ability to configure default search tabs. Two new config level options have been added to enable campuses to specify the default tabs when a user goes to "Search Reports" page. "search-default-tab" - This enables campuses to specify the default search tab among the five available tabs. This config option is optional. Valid values are: "1" - People based search (default) "2" - Departments based search "3" - Projects based search "4" - Awards based search "5" - FAUs based search "dept-search-default-selection" - This enables campuses to specify the default department type for department based search tab. This config option is optional. Valid values are: "1" - Home Department based search (default) "2" - Account Department based search "3" - Fund Department based search -Impl 3049: Provide "Location Filter" for generating compliance reports at campus level. A new config level option have been added to enable campuses enable location filter for generating compliance reports. "use-location-filter" - This enables campuses to turn on location filter. The option is optional. The valid values are "true" and "false" (default). The following reports may be run using the location filter: - Effort Report Status report - Multiple Certification report - Not-self Certified report A new interface file has been defined to load location code/name entries. -Fix 1156: Drill-down export uses latest report version's earnings, not current version The "View Payroll Details" button on the top of the screen has been corrected to show the payroll details pertaining to the current version of the effort report. -Fix 2471: Sponsored project line item zeroed out but payroll detail shows non-zero calculated amount The late pay logic has been changed to retain the actual calculated amounts. -Fix 2946: Character filtering incorrect solution for untrusted data management The user input scrubbing logic for special characters has been removed. This has been replaced with Strut's supplied functions to escape any hazardous characters. -Fix 3040: Make myCertifications as the default search For a new PI user, the default search has been changed to myCertifications. If the myCertifications list is created for the first time, the default will be changed to myCertifications as well. -Fix 3083: Edit user screen fails if employee id greater than 9 characters A new validation is in place now to check for employee id length on edit user screen. This validation has been added to adding "employee" resource on permission screen. -Fix 3119: User unable to login if employee id is missing for a subscribed search User unable to login if employee id is missing for one of the subscribed searches. ERS fails with null pointer exception while trying to sort searches. -Fix 3129: Blank message log when only one log message When there is only one log message to be displayed, the system displays a blank screen. Also, the user is unable to change the selection criteria to view other messages. Version 10.7 B003 Released 03/28/12 -Fix 2905: Require comment when initial certification is made after the certification deadline There are now no allowable days late - a comment will be required when an effort report is initially certified after the certification date. Version 10.7 B002 Released 02/23/12 -Fix 3080: Abend on clicking "Comment Tab" when only one ERS report in the list Bug fixed by adding code in EditReportAction.java to set rptListIx to "0" and append to forwarded parms. -Fix 2905: Require comment when initial certification is made after the certification deadline The allowable days late has been changed from 120 to 1. Version 10.7 B001 Released 12/19/11 -Impl 2371: Enable drill-down to Specific Employees on Certification Distribution Report Two new compliance report has been created as drill-down reports for "Certification Distribution Report". These reports can only be generated after running the "Certification Distribution" report. The existing Certification Distribution Report has been modify to make "Number of Persons" value clickable. Upon clicking the "Number of Persons" link, a new report named "Certification Distribution Summary Report" is displayed, listing all of the certifiers making up that particular group. Two links have been added against each of the certifiers, to access the details in either PDF or Excel format. Upon clicking one of the two links, a new report is displayed named "Certification Distribution Detail Report". This report lists all of the reports certified by the selected certifier for a given reporting period. -Impl 2513: Status field legend on Certification Listing Legend explaining status code abbreviations has been added on the cover page of Certification Listing report. -Impl 2690: Combined Threshold Report - Need ability to enter any percentage, not just 95-100% Combined Threshold Report now allows for any threshold percentage from 1% to 100% as a free form input field. -Impl 2691: Combined Threshold Report - CTO category filter Combined Threshold Report now allows for filtering by one or more of the 5 CTO categories. Please note that this data is not available for reporting periods before 2010. This filter should not be used for reporting periods prior to 2010. -Impl 2750: If there is no payroll for the period an effort report should not be generated, even for a PI The system now checks if a PI has any earnings for the period and if there are none, an effort report is not generated. -Impl 2902: Standard comment on certification not added if there's a user comment Now the system will always add the standard comment AND a user comment, if entered, when a report is certified. -Impl 2905: Require comment when initial certification is made after the certification deadline A new configurable option (ERSConfig.xml, option.require-overdue-certification-comment) if turned on will make a comment mandatory for reports if the initial certification is 120 days after the certification deadline. The text that will be displayed is also configurable (ExternalizedStrings.xml, messages, OverdueCertificationCommentMessage). Please note that the comma needs to be escaped. If the user enters a comment and does not save it prior to clicking the "CERTIFY.." button, the comment will be displayed in the required comment field and a configurable message will be displayed asking the user to edit this comment to explain the late certification (ExternalizedStrings.xml, messages, OverdueCertificationExistingCommentMessage). -Impl 2940: Account Dept search - Option to filter out all effort reports where the searched dept is below the line A new, optional, check-box has been added for searching reports based on "Account Department". By checking this box, the search for a give account department is restricted to sponsored line items only. Two new configurable options have been added in ERSConfig.xml to support this feature: 1. atl-acctOrg-search-checkbox-visible true/false (default is false) This option shows (true) or hides (false) the new check-box on the screen. 2. atl-acctOrg-search-checkbox-checked true/false (default is false) This option is applicable only if the first option is set to "true". This defined the initial default value of the check-box as checked (true) or unchecked (false). -Fix 2126: Enhance search capabilities to allow entry of multiple filter values at once Changed the wording of the associated hints to be more exact. -Fix 2950: Updating main PI on a sponsored project when running an FS file doesn't set the employee PI indicator The PI indicator is now correctly set for the new PI. Inversely, the old PI is being flagged as a "not a PI" if this was the only project associated with the old PI. -Fix 2953: Certification Distribution report counts include previous versions of the report This has been corrected by counting only the current effort reports. -Fix 3015: Orgs names containing apostrophes do not display correctly in the compliance report autofill The javascript file that handles the autofill values now correctly translates the encoding of the apostrophe. -Fix 3025: Account PI job name too long for message log process_name column If the Account PI job encountered a problem, the attempt to log the issue in the application message log table would fail due to a mismatch between the job's code name ACCTPI, and the width of the column that holds the job's name, which is 4. The job code name is now ATPI. -Fix 3039: ERS abends if adding a duplicate project to an effort report When a project is manually added to an Effort report, the application abends if the project is already included in the report. This has been corrected, and the user will receive an error message if duplicate projects are found. -Fix 3042: ERS abends if a second user tries to subscribe to a search When a search (myProjects or myCertifications) is subscribed by someone for the first time, the subscription works. It may not work for subsequent users. This has been corrected. Version 10.6 B005 Released 10/17/11 -Fix 2954: Character filtering prevents loading of some permissions When adding a "role" to a user, application was still filtering out acceptable characters. This has been corrected. Version 10.6 B004 Released 09/26/11 -Fix 2954: Character filtering prevents loading of some permissions Roles and permissions are allowed to include some special characters. Some of these special characters were included in the set of special characters filtered out for security. However, filtering them out causes the role or permission to not load correctly. For roles and permissions, a more limited set of special characters are now being filtered. Version 10.6 B003 Released 08/26/11 -Fix 2377: My Certifications The original release of this feature did not include a basic requirement: it was not filtering out PI reports from anyone's My Certification list. This build fixes this issue. Version 10.6 B002 Released 08/10/11 -Fix 2946: Editing a user record causes the user's email address to lose its "at sign" (@) Removed the "at sign" (@) from the list of characters scrubbed for security purposes. Version 10.6 B001 Released 07/11/11 -Impl 2126: Enhance search capabilities to allow entry of multiple filter values at once Under "Search Reports", on the "People" tab, users can now enter multiple employee ids as a filter. Note, that this applies to ids only, not employee names, and does not allow filtering on home department or if PI at the same time. The ability to filter on multiple home departments, or acct/fund orgs has also been added to the "Departments" tab under "Search Reports". Again, applies to ids only, not names. -Impl 2762: Allow Filtering Out of Employees from a PI's My Project Report List Under "Manage Searches", another icon has been added – called "copy search". This option is available for all saved searches. A new search can be created by copying an existing saved search. The new search can be edited as required. To create a personalized search from another PI "My Projects" or "My Certifications", you may subscribe to that PI's "My Projects" or "My Certifications". After subscribing, you may copy the subscribed search to create a new search. -Impl 2877: Effort Report Status report - Remove "Not required" reports Effort Report Status report will not include report which do not require certification. The line details and report totals will exclude "Certification Not Required" reports now. -Fix 2280: Original Total % is incorrect when there is cost sharing Cost sharing is not deducted in the Original Total % column, making the report appear to have greater than 100% effort. This happens whether the cost share is imported or manually added and on both the Other Sponsored and Non-Sponsored lines. This issue was resolved by adding a new user configuration option to show or not show the total % for cost sharing (column 5) on the effort report. -Fix 2535: Adjustment Required reports should be listed if the Show Status filter is set to ALL-Open Added new entry to ERSStatusFilter table for Category_ID 24 (ALL-Open) and Status_CD J (Adjustment Required). -Fix 2536: Adjustment Required reports do not require certification, so they should not be listed in red font or marked Overdue Resolution to this issue was to change the code so that Adjustment Required reports are not flagged as overdue. -Fix 2773: Partial cert report has Open status A change was made so that a report with Partially Certified status is NOT overwritten unless there is an exception. -Fix 2849: Editable search list result not refreshed after edit In some cases the report list results were not updated after editing a saved search. This has been corrected. -Fix 2853: Scrub all user input New classes were added to scrub all user input. -Fix 2857: Saving existing search using "Save As.." may create duplicate search name The system will check for duplicate search name when a existing search is saved with a new name using "Save As.." option. -Fix 2898: Paging issue with report list after a saved search is edited and saved with the "View Report" option Sometimes the starting point of the report list has not be the first report in the list. This problem has been fixed. -Fix 2899: Extraneous ")" in delete saved search message There was an extraneous right parenthesis, ")", in "Delete Saved Search" pop-up message. This has been removed. -Fix 2903: Prompt text not clear when "Save" is clicked on edit search page The message text has been changed to match the button label "Manage Lists". -Fix 2928: Certification Distribution report counts incorrect Certification Distribution report counts were incorrect. In case of users who have certified "51" or "76" reports, they were not included in the report. This was due to incorrect selection criteria in the database view. The view has been corrected. -Fix UCSF Issues 17/23: Performance issue running the Combined Threshold report Logic was modified in the code that builds this specific report which resulted in substantial optimizations (~33% faster). Version 10.5 B002 Released 03/16/11 -Fix 2843: The PAR interface doesn't handle off-quarter earnings correctly The PAR interface does not recognize late pay off-quarter earnings for late pay processing. The interface has been changed to include late pay off-quarter earnings for late processing Version 10.5 B001 Released 02/23/11 -Impl 2188: Enable organization selection by org code when filtering compliance reports Added capability to type in Org code/name or department code/name on the compliance report selection screen. The system will suggest and auto-fill the selection based on entered characters. -Impl 2368: Enhancements to the excel version of the Compliance Reports The excel version of all compliance reports has been enhanced to export data in a more usable and user friendly manner. -Impl 2377: New automated PI MyCertifications list (like MyProjects) A new system build-in search has been added, called MyCertifications. This list is optional and will be available only for campuses which have this feature turned on. A new option, show-myCertification-search-list, has been added to ERSConfig.xml. Setting this flag to true will make the MyCertifications list available. This list will be available to PIs who are defined as account PI for any projects. Feature to subscribe to other PI’s myCertifications is also available. -Impl 2510: Put a link to the compliance reports in the ERS system header A new link on the top of ERS screen will appear for the users who are authorized to run compliance reports. -Fix 2526 Certification Listing report formatting. Made a number of changes to the Certification Listing report to correct column labels and field wrapping. -Fix 2687 Column spacing on Certification Listing. Column spacing on Certification Listing report has been corrected. -Fix 2688: Labels on Certification listing. Made a number of changes to the Certification Listing report to correct column labels and field wrapping. -Fix 2689: Date Format on Multiple Certification and non self-certified reports. Date format changed from mm/dd/yy to dd-MMM-yy. -Fix 2693: Labeling on Multiple Certification Report. Column labels on Multiple Certification report have been made more meaningful. -Fix 2741: Sorting and Grouping issue on Certification Listing by Acct Dept. The certification listing report by Account department was not being sorted on department name. It has been corrected to sort on department Id instead. -Fix 2747: Saving report period fails due to date ordering error If the certification date of the period occurs in the next year after the report run date, the date validation on the cert date would fail. The validation logic was using the run date's year value instead of the cert date's year value, which caused the cert date to appear to precede the run date. -Fix 2761: Can't add more than one resource of the same type when creating a permission When creating a permission, if you try to add a second resource of the same type as one you've already added, the validation fails with an alert that the resource already exists in the list. The validation was comparing only the resource type value, which is always the same for the same type of resource, so the validation fails. This fix changes the validation to compare the combination of both the resource type and the resource value. Version 10.4 B003 Released 12/15/2010 -Fix 2761r: Can't add resources to existing permissions The initial fix to 2761 broke editing permissions (validation javascript missing a dependency loaded on the add permission page but not the edit permission page.) Missing dependency added to edit page. Version 10.4 B002 Released 12/08/2010 -Fix 2761: Can't add more than one resource of the same type when creating a permission Version 10.4 B001 Released 09/10/2010 -Impl 2189: Add "My Projects" type filter to compliance reports The compliance reports can be created using a new filter criteria, "My Projects". User will see a list of myProjects to which they are subscribed to. -Impl 2390: New compliance report #4 - Multiple Certification Reports This report measures the percentage of reports for each home department, account org, fund org, and/or period where the report was certified multiple times. This is an indicator that the certifiers are not reflecting the true effort at the time of initial certification, and that additional training is needed. -Impl 2391: New compliance report #5 - Not Self-certified Reports This report measures the percentage of reports that were not self-certified out of the total reports requiring self-certification based on PI status or one of the established CTO groups. This is an indicator that the certifier may not have first-hand knowledge of the employee's effort. -Fix 2415: Version 1.0 reports with invalid earnings get open status Initially generated reports with one or more unrecognized earning(s) should have exception status but the application assigns open status. This has been corrected. Fix 2416: Partially certified reissued reports don't retain entered values This has been fixed with addition to status codes that require retention in generate late reports. -Fix 2436: Filtering the PI list in the Subscribe to PI's My Projects can lead to an empty screen The application failed to reset the current index to one when applying a filter to the PI list, which could result in no records being displayed if the current index is greater than the total number of PIs returned by the new filter. The application now resets the index to one when filtering. -Fix 2489: Incorrect percentage of reports on time on Effort Report Status Percentage of reports on time was being calculated incorrectly. This has been fixed. -Fix 2491: All Reports: report title changes on all reports Title and subtitle have been adjusted for all reports. Title line now indicates the report name and major selection criteria. -Fix 2493: Issue with percent of self-certified on Certification Listing The calculation of percentages at department or period level were incorrectly done. This has been fixed. -Fix 2494: Alignment and font of self-certified percent on Certification Listing Self-certified percentage was not in proper alignment with label and used a smaller font. This has been corrected. -Fix 2495: Add org code to drop-down lists on Compliance Report Selection page The department Id/Org Id have been added to the drop-down selection list for easier identification. An external campus customization option has been added to indicate if the Ids should be displayed before or after the department/org name. -Fix 2498: Show selection criteria on all reports A cover page has been added to all reports. This page, along with report title, will list the selection criteria specified to generate the report. In addition to this, all report page footer have been changed to include page numbers. -Fix 2500: Statistical Analysis Summary and Detail need to be better synchronized Summary and Detail for Statistical Analysis don't match. This has been fixed. -Fix 2502: Combined Threshold Report percentages in decimal format Percentages on the Combined Threshold Report have been changed to print in % format. -Fix 2503: Compliance Reports selection criteria - required field indicator A red asterisk has been added before the label for required selection filters. -Fix 2509: Show report title on every page of PDF reports A standard report title will appear on each page of the report. All reports have been fixed. -Fix 2514: Certifier title code on Certification Listing Determination of title code has been standardized among all reports. -Fix 2523: HTML report formatting Page footers have been removed from HTML output format. -Fix 2527: Display of certifier name if certifier has no employee ID in the system If the certifier has no employee Id in the system, the report will display the name based on Effort Report record. Version 10.4 B004 Released 2/14/2011 -Impl 2391r: Not Self-Certified Reports The initial release of this report contained several inefficiencies in its implementation that could cause the application server to crash or become unresponsive. This build optimizes the underlying queries used in the report. We have noticed a 75-80% improvement in performance when running this report now. Version 10.4 B003 Released 12/15/2010 -Fix 2761r: Can't add resources to existing permissions The initial fix to 2761 broke editing permissions (validation javascript missing a dependency loaded on the add permission page but not the edit permission page.) Missing dependency added to edit page. Version 10.4 B002 Released 12/08/2010 -Fix 2761: Can't add more than one resource of the same type when creating a permission When creating a permission, if you try to add a second resource of the same type as one you've already added, the validation fails with an alert that the resource already exists in the list. The validation was comparing only the resource type value, which is always the same for the same type of resource, so the validation fails. This fix changes the validation to compare the combination of both the resource type and the resource value. Version 10.3 B001 Released 02/12/2010 -Impl 2073: Certification Tolerances to address rounding issues due to payroll expense transfers When late pay changes the generated values of a certified or certified/adjustment required report, the application now applies a 1% tolerance when determining if the new report should be reissued. -Impl 2272: Percent of Effort Reports Certified by Established Due Dates The status summary compliance report now includes the percent of reports certified by the report period's due date. This figure is available both at the departmental the campus level. -Impl 2273: Percent of Effort reports Certified for a Given Reporting Period The status summary compliance report now includes the percent of certified reports for a given reporting period at the campus level. -Impl 2274: Certifications by user to track Individual Knowledgable of Work Performed/Suitable Means of Verification There is a new certification distribution report that calculates the number of reports certified by each individual user in the system, and reports the totals in as a distribution across five groupings: 0-25, 26-50, 51-75, 76-100, and greater than 100. In addition, this release address the following outstanding defects: -Fix 1118: Statistical detail report max/min/average counts incorrect The days overdue and the days to certification max/min/average values for each group are now reporting the correct values. -Fix 1157: Report generation not marking reports with negative lines as exception status ERS now assigns exception status to any report generated with a negative value for any line (certifiable projects, other sponsored category, or non-sponsored category). -Fix 1319r: Can't use Reissued/Partially Certified list filter introduced by enhancement 1319 System could not save last filter "re-issued partially certified" due to database filed being not big enough. Table ERSPreference has been modified to hold up-to 30 characters in LIST_FILTER field. -Fix 1539: Status Report Summary has incorrect percentages When running the Status Report Summary grouped by department, the percentages were based on the number certified (or open, not required, etc.) for the period divided by the total number of reports for all periods. It now divides just by the total number of reports in each specific period. . The same problem also occurred when the grouping was switched to by period. -Fix 2155: Report can be flagged as overdue on a report list one day early ERS could not save as a user preference the last report list filter run when using the "re-issued partially certified" filter due to a database field length being not big enough. The ERSPreference table has been expanded to hold up to 30 characters in the LIST_FILTER field, which resolves this problem. -Fix 2183: Compliance reports: Statistics summary reports not showing recertified counts All statistic summary reports now display the count of recertified reports for each outer group. -Fix 2185: Compliance reports: Statistics report detail has incorrect recertified totals The counts of reports reopened, reissued, and recertified for each outer grouping on all statistical detail reports are now correct. -Fix 2187: Compliance reports: allow filtering on all account/fund orgs Previously on the compliance report view, when grouping by account or fund org, the application would filter out orgs from the drop down list that were not related to any funding source in the system. This defeated the purpose of the "include sub orgs" feature. The application now lists all available orgs. -Fix 2302: Saving a multiline report without any above-the-line items fails If a report is marked as requiring multiple certifications when the report has no above-the-line items, the save will fail with an exception. This fix allows such a report to be successfully saved. -Fix 2328: Late pay drops "certified by" value when versioning up a reconciled certified/adjustment required report ERS would drop the "certified by" information when reconciling a certified/adjustment required report, so that the new version would not show who certified the previous version. It now preserves this information. This problem impacted the Certification compliance report, causing it to not display the user ID of the person who certified a report in the cases where late pay has reconciled the report. -Fix 2356: Reports with no effort above the line after rounding not adjusted If a report has items requiring certification with less than 1% of the total effort on the report, after rounding their original payroll amount can become zero. The adjustment business rules caused these reports to be skipped for adjustment, leaving the total at 99%. The adjustment logic now applies the business rules to the original, unscaled four digit amounts, so that adjustment is applied to these reports when needed. This release also incorporates the following previously released bug fixes: Version 10.2 B004 Released 12/04/09 -Fix 2247: Running threshold report fails if no CTO data is available The fix from 10.2 B002 was regressed out of B003. This restores the fix and addresses two potential application errors that could occur while running the threshold report. Version 10.2 B003 Released 12/01/09 -Fix 919 reopened (also logged as 2293): FS process not handling update case well The original fix to bug 919, intended to handle the FS interface case where an existing non-sponsored funding source is updated to sponsored status did not handle updating all flags on the funding source. With this fix, such a funding source will now properly reflect the values found in the file for certification required status and federal fund indicator. Version 10.2 B002 Released 10/29/09 -Fix 2247: Running threshold report fails if no CTO data is available For systems that lack class title outline data, attempts to run a threshold compliance report will fail with an error. The changes in this bug fix avoid these errors, allowing the report to be run (albeit without any employee classification.) Version 10.2 B001 Released 09/16/09 -Impl 1022: Define column headings on Payroll Details. Added short descriptions to each column on payroll drilldown, and applied same formatting & display timeout as the project detail hover on the report view. -Impl 2072: New compliance report for over 95% payroll charges and effort on sponsored projects. A new compliance report has been added to the system. The report has the following options for the user to choose from: Threshold level - Six predefined threshold levels to choose from. Detail level - Detail or Summary. Group by - Department or Reporting period. Filter by one of more departments. Filter by one of more reporting periods. View the report as HTML, PDF or MS Excel format. -Impl 911: Report List needs a column label change. The Effort Report List column "For" has been changed to "Employee". This column heading has been externalized for campus configuration. Version 10.1 B004 Released 12/01/09 -Fix 919 reopened (also logged as 2239): FS process not handling update case well The original fix to bug 919, intended to handle the FS interface case where an existing non-sponsored funding source is updated to sponsored status did not handle updating all flags on the funding source. With this fix, such a funding source will now properly reflect the values found in the file for certification required status and federal fund indicator. Version 10.1 B003 Released 10/06/09 Fix 2072: Allow either old or new par record length (220 vs 223) in support of PPS release 1880 to include Class Title Outline (CTO) in ERS extract file. Version 10.1 B002 Released 08/31/09 Fix 1731 (reopened): Late pay would fail if a version 1.0 report had only ineligible late earnings. The late pay process now ensures that it does not try to re-add existing ineligible earnings to a report. Version 10.1 B001 Released 07/02/09 -Impl 1725: Add two new generic notification types, INTF & LPAY. The system will issue notification type INTF after the successful completion of the following interface jobs: Department interface, Finance interface, PAR interface, Cost Sharing interface, User interface, Organization/Department interface, Sponsored Project Search Processor interface, Pilot Participant interface and WOS Employee interface. In case of failure, notification type IERR will continue to work as before. The system will issue notification type LPAY after the successful completion of Late Pay processing job. -Impl 1681: Create new indicator to flag effort reports still under preliminary review or requiring additional action. This change was implemented in ERS Release 9.3. With this release, the flag "Effort Report under preliminary review" has been made customizable. A new option, show-prelim-rvw-flag, has been added to ERSConfig.xml. Setting this flag to false will hide the flag on the report tabs and the report list. -Impl 2011: Issue warning when payroll cost transfer is required while adjusting efforts. A new alert message has been added to remind users when payroll cost transfer is required while adjusting efforts. This alert message is customizable. A new option, alert-payroll-transfer, has been added to ERSConfig.xml. -Impl 2038: Enhance ODPI and CDUE notifications to remove redundant text. CDUE notification has been enhanced to remove redundant text. The system will send one CDUE notice per PI per reporting period listing all of the PI’s projects on reports that are still open. ODPI notifications were already removing redundant text. Version 10.1 also fixes the following bugs: -Fix 2089: Text was missing from the text certification confirmation message. -Fix 1303: Typo on Manage Saved Searches Page. Version 10.0 B008 Released 6/1/09 -Fix 1319r: late pay should not re-issue the entire report if line certification is on If a user tries to use the "Reissued-Partially Certified" filter on a report list, the application fails with a database error--this name is too long for the column that saves this data in the preference table. This fix includes a database script, that expands ERSPreference.list_filter to a length that can accommodate the longer filter name. See the ERS_10-0-B008_PATCH script for your flavor of DBMS. Version 10.0 B007 Released 5/29/09 -Fix 1367r: ERS should issue notifications for other late pay events. Previous versions generated RNLP notifications for other late pay events. It now only generates the new RNLP notification when a new report is generated due to late pay activity. -Fix 1985r: Fix ERSAuthorizer Interface Internal bug in handling of report resources when using external authorization. -Fix 2058: Late pay loses certified by/certified date of certified items when decertifying another line. Online application now retains this data when a user decertifies another line. Version 10.0 B006 Released 5/6/09 -Fix 2054: FS job fails when the fau_resused_flag is set to Yes Version 10.0 B005 Released 5/6/09 -Fix 1953: Overlapping Cost Sharing Commitments are not summed -Fix 2052: Late pay comment insertion can fail by exceeding the comment column width Version 10.0 B004 Released 4/10/09 -Fix 2042: Can't generate Excel compliance reports Version 10.0 B003 Released 4/9/09 -Fix 2040: Can't generate PDF compliance reports Version 10.0 B002 Released 4/7/09 -Fix 2031: Can't save a line certification due to erroneous comment required check -Fix 2032: Can't set the preliminary review flag on a report -Fix 2033: Single generate fails due to class cast exception -Fix 2034: Can't generate compliance report due to missing import Version 10.0 B001 Released 3/26/09 -Impl 1033: Add select by org for compliance reporting -Impl 1851: CDUE reminders should not be sent to PI's who've completed partial certification -Impl 1863: Add capacity for ÒtimeoutÓ URL -Impl 1948: Hyperlinks on generated amount figures can be confusing -Impl 1985: Fix ERSAuthorizer Interface Version 10.0 also fixes the following bugs: -Fix 1950: Online single generate should not attempt data pre-loading -Fix 2023: Can't save a new reporting period; error message unhelpful -Fix 2025: Can't delete a permission if it's linked to a role In addition, Release 10.0 incorporates these changes available in previous releases: Version 9.3 B008 Released 6/1/09 -Fix 1319r: late pay should not re-issue the entire report if line certification is on If a user tries to use the "Reissued-Partially Certified" filter on a report list, the application fails with a database error--this name is too long for the column that saves this data in the preference table. This fix includes a database script, that expands ERSPreference.list_filter to a length that can accommodate the longer filter name. See the ERS_9-3_B008_PATCH script for your flavor of DBMS. Version 9.3 B007 Released 5/29/09 -Fix 1367r: ERS should issue notifications for other late pay events. Previous versions generated RNLP notifications for other late pay events. It now only generates the new RNLP notification when a new report is generated due to late pay activity. -Fix 2058: Late pay loses certified by/certified date of certified items when decertifying another line. Online application now retains this data when a user decertifies another line. Version 9.3 B006 Released 5/6/09 -Fix 2054: FS job fails when the fau_resused_flag is set to Yes Version 9.3 B005 Released 5/6/09 -Fix 1953: Overlapping Cost Sharing Commitments are not summed -Fix 2052: Late pay comment insertion can fail by exceeding the comment column width Version 9.3 B004 Released 4/7/09 -Fix 1950: Online single generate should not attempt data pre-loading -Fix 2032: Setting preliminary review flag results in error Version 9.3 B003 Released 1/23/09 -Fix 1961: Single generate ignores the report required flag Version 9.3 B002 Released 1/5/09 -Fix 1942: FS job can fail when linking a PI to a project Version 9.3 B001 Released 12/22/08 -Impl 1115: Statistical report detail by department produced a negative value age for a report -Impl 1319: Late pay should not re-issue the entire report if line certification is on -Impl 1367: ERS should issue notifications for other late pay events -Impl 1660: ERS makes you click SAVE after you have already OK'd certification -Impl 1673: ERS needs mechanism to load Without Salary (WOS) employees -Impl 1681: Create new indicator to flag effort reports still under preliminary review or requiring additional action -Impl 1760: Coalesce notifications across roles for the same user -Impl 1828: Expand RNEW notification customizability -Impl 1830: Add Piloting Functionality -Fix 1695: Cast to long fails when adding reporting period -Fix 1485r: Line Decertified Notification Version 9.2 B007 Released 11/14/08 -Fix 1888: Send report broken -Fix 1899: Can't create designated sec admins using org IDs less than 6 chars -Fix 1900: Can't use org IDs less than 6 chars as permission resources Version 9.2 B006 Released 10/30/08 -Fix 1868: Built in search fails for no-version report headers -Fix 1869: Change report status fails -Fix 1870: Compliance report generation fails if "include related orgs" option is clicked and there are no related orgs Version 9.2. B005 Released 10/21/08 -Fix 1860: Connecting earnings can fail due to DMBS limits Version 9.2 B004 Released 10/10/08 -Fix 1847r: Report list and Report JSP don''t execute under WebSphere (View and Comment pages) Version 9.2 B003 Released 10/9/08 -Fix 1840: Reopening report immediately after certifying last line of multiline report raises jsp exception -Fix 1847: Report list and Report JSP don''t execute under WebSphere Version 9.2 B002 Released 10/8/08 -Fix 1793: Report with last version having exception status doesn't have its line adjusted Version 9.2 B001 Released 9/19/08 -Impl 407: Add mechanism to display reason a report is in Exception status -Impl 661: Develop XSD for ERSConfig.xml -Impl 929: Button order in Save Search dialog box -Impl 954: Externalize "Department" and "FAU" label strings -Impl 1306: Leading Zeros for EID Generating Effort Report -Impl 1307: Make LDCT Notification when Multiple Certifications are Uncertified optional -Impl 1117: Add filtering for role and permission list screens -Impl 1128: Indicate reports belonging to PIs on Report List and Report screens -Impl 1506: Allow deactivation of cost sharing commitments -Impl 1509: Additional fields for Reports Generated Notification text -Impl 1571: Change Navigation from Combo Box to Buttons -Fix 937: Send dialog too small/not resizable -Fix 1305: Order of searches in Display Saved Search drop-down list In addition, Release 9.2 incorporates these changes available in previous releases: Version 9.1 B005 Released 8/28/2008 -Fix 1753: FS job sets account and fund orgs to null when IDs are less than six chars long Version 9.1 B004 Released 8/20/2008 -Fix 1731r: Use last generated report as marker to determine new ineligible earnings Version 9.1 B003 Released 8/19/2008 -Fix 1305: Order of searches in Display Saved Search drop-down list -Fix 1460: Report list period drop down can be confusing -Fix 1669: Schedule setter assumes assignedSchedule never null -Fix 1700: Users processed in first second of interface job will be deactivated -Fix 1731: Late pay includes old ineligible earnings when consuming late earnings -Fix 1738: Status change functionality broken Version 9.1 B002 Released 7/2/2008 -Fix 1638: Guard against CS commitments against non-certification required projects -Fix 1668: My Projects searches broken Version 9.1 B001 Released 6/20/2008 Enhancements: -Impl 582: ODPI notification dispatch -Impl 1279: Reports zeroed out are never re-evaluated if no late pay is processed -Impl 1426: Certifying PI name not displayed when multiple certifications is selected. -Impl 1452: Allow comment when administratively changing report from adjustment required to certified. Defects: -Fix 1490: Reset password token should be retained after use -Fix 1558: After reopening a report, attempt to switch to view tab raises NumberFormatException -Fix 1635: Manage reporting period screen broken under hibernate 3 -Fix 1636: Report Period Generation from Model doesn't work -Fix 1637: Late doesn't attach previously unrecognized earning(s) to new report version Version 9.0 B009 Released 6/4/2008 -Fix 1431: Reports with no original payroll and no CS remain Open -Fix 1505r: Permissions using new hierarchical resource types don't save correctly -Fix 1581: Notification dispatcher ignores recipient's active indicator -Fix 1587: Late pay includes ineligible earnings in check for invalid earnings Version 9.0 B008 Released 5/5/2008 -Fix 1566 Can't add a report comment in externally authenticated instances Version 9.0 B007 Released 4/30/2008 -Fix 1545: Update to Report for manually Added/removed SponsoredProjects leads to ClassCast Exception Version 9.0 B006 Released 4/16/2008 -Fix 1357r: Generate below-the-line report resources for Excluded Earnings -Fix 1510: CDUE reminders lack PI's EID Version 9.0 B005 Released 4/9/2008 -Fix 1491r: Finance Persistence should audit the newly created/updated SponsoredProject before being persisted to DB Version 9.0 B004 Released 4/8/2008 -Fix 917: SingleGenerate lacks driver -Fix 918: RunSelectedGenerate not complementary to RptPeriodRemover -Fix 1487r: Setting configurable options for Request URL scheme and port number for handling complex Web and Application Server operations -Fix 1489: Password reset doesn't set change audit fields -Fix 1491: FS update should not touch addDate -Fix 1492: ReportBuilder and ReportRemover do not set change audit columns on earning when consuming/unconsuming -Fix 1505: Permissions using new hierarchical resource types don't save correctly Version 9.0 B003 Released 3/21/2008 -Fix 1040r: Add ability to export compliance reports to excel -Fix 1472r: Hierarchical Search flag is not set while inserting a new search by SponsoredProjectSearchProcessor -Fix 1473: In certain scenarios, users can attempt to resubscribe to an already-subscribed-to My Projects search -Fix 1480: Late pay doesn't pick up resources of added projects or funding sources -Fix 1482: Late pay consumes excluded earnings -Fix 1485: LDCT notification dispatching not handling missing user ID -Fix 1487: Setting configurable options for Request URL scheme and port number for handling complex Web and Application Server operations Version 9.0 B002 Released 3/4/2008 -Fix 1459: PI update process doesn't update Employee.isPIFlag correctly -Fix 1462: Report to Report navigation broken when target report is certified -Fix 1463: Online attempt to certify a certified report should raise an exception -Fix 1468: ReportDueReminder logs CDUE value when report non-negative ODPI value -Fix 1472: Hierarchical Search flag is not set while creating a Built-in 'My Projects' search Version 9.0 B001 Released 2/22/2008 -Impl 437: Report searching at higher org levels -Impl 682: Enhance authorization to use hierarchy for permissions based on orgs -Impl 1033: Add select by org for compliance reporting (decentralized admin only); orgs related to selected Home Dept only -Impl 1034: Save a set of report parameters for reuse -Impl 1035: Add indicator on Certification Listing when certifier is PI on that report -Impl 1036: Add a count of self-certified reports on the Certification Listing report -Impl 1037: Add separate count of Reopened and Reissued reports on Statistical Report -Impl 1038: Add "times reissued" and "times reopened" columns to the statistical report -Impl 1039: Add a flag to the status report detail indicating the reports that are overdue -Fix 1110: Printing Status report summary by period (html) produces stray unlabeled numbers -Fix 1114: Statistical report detail should label count of overdue reports "Outstanding reports" -Fix 1118: Statistical detail report counts incorrect -Fix 1135: Builtin browser compatibility and javascript checks are bypassed in the externally authentication context -Fix 1158: Compliance reporting shows empty page when it encounters an error Version 8.3 B003 Released 2/21/08 -Fix 1389: PI updater process can lead to duplicate PIs for the same project -Fix 1390: PAR process should handle employee update -Fix 1396: Certify Dialog appears at bottom of window in IE7 Version 8.3 B002 Released 1/9/08 -Fix 1334: Edit reporting period does not validate dates correctly -Fix 1350r: NPE in ActualEffortReport.getCurrent() -Fix 1358: Loading a search fails with an NPE when the search is missing Version 8.3 B001 Released 12/14/07 -Fix 1336: Earning excluded when pay period end date varies from period start/end dates only by hours, minutes, seconds, miliseconds -Fix 1337: New reports with no earnings can raise NPEs when gathering funding sources -Fix 1347: Schedule setting uses highest valued priority schedule instead of lowest valued priority -Fix 1348: Schedule checking matches a schedule when all use flags are false -Fix 1350: NPE in ActualEffortReport.getCurrent() if currentInd() is null -Fix 1354: Manually adding a project to a report fails on save -Fix 1357: Enable loading of below-the-line report resources Version 8.2 B003 Released 11/30/07 -Fix 1229r: Late pay erroneously set status to exception due to comparison between unrounded generated effort values against user-entered CS values (testing for ATL items with total > 100%) -Fix 1316: Logging count of Certified/Adjustment Required report reconciled by a LP run is off -Fix 1333: Sponsored Project search Interface process fails for longer search names -Fix 1335: Projects with only CS commitments not being added to report by generate Version 8.2 B002 Released 11/16/07 -Fix 817: Saved search drop-down value incorrect on return from sysadmin -Fix 1016: (reopened): Submit button on Edit Security Admin user screen doesn't do anything -Fix 1126: Hibernate 2 ignores default schema in generator class (was Add reporting period fails with generic message) -Fix 1150: External authentication can't handle request for enterERS.do when user is already signed in -Fix 1243: EditReportAction doesn't do Post-Redirect-Get after report editing -Fix 1265: Web app doesn't do authorization check on reopen report request -Fix 1308: FS Interface process fails for multiple updates to a SponsoredProject with empty Co-PI set -Fix 1309: Interface Process throws incorrect exception message for bad file records -Fix 1312: Inactive Schedule Types not being ignored -Fix 1314: Late pay doesn't correctly set the report status in some cases where it should retain Not Required status Version 8.2 B001 Released 10/16/07 -Fix 582: Implement ODPI type notification for alerting PIs of overdue status -Fix 672: Add additional filter to the funds/fau search tab -Fix 892: Suppress Access Point Resource from Permission Building Screen -Fix 1016: Edit user screen lacks link to remove an org in decentralized mode -Fix 1104: ReportDueReminder off one day in remaining days calculation -Fix 1123: Set one RDUE notification per overdue period -Fix 1239: Notification dispatcher doesn't notice when recipient has null email address Version 8.1 B012 Released 10/12/07 -Fix 1281: FS ILP fails with space padded lines > base length Version 8.1 B011 Released 10/11/07 -Fix 1145: (reopened): Late pay drops entered cost-sharing value on any above-the-line project (reworked to match requirements stated in 387) -Fix 1236: Searches based on Org not returning correct results -Fix 1257: Late Pay not setting adjusted effort amounts to zero when it adds a project ATL to a reissued report Version 8.1 B010 Released 10/2/07 -Fix 1246: Retain certified amounts on reissued report -Fix 1247: Projects missing PI data don't appear in the Add Project list Version 8.1 B009 Released 9/25/07 -Fix 1241: ReportDueReminder can miss creating notifications -Fix 1242: Saving a reporting period fails Version 8.1 B008 Released 9/18/07 -Fix 1226: Report list doesn't refresh report status after editing a report -Fix 1237: PAR process fails when home department ID is right padded with spaces Version 8.1 B007 Released 9/14/07 -Fix 1121: (reopened): Use late pay user on report audit columns as well as earnings columns when late pay adds a version -Fix 1145: (reopened): Late pay drops zero entered CS value on ATL items -Fix 1220: Late pay misrecognizes certain above-the-line projects as manually entered -Fix 1225: Late pay doesn't change report status to Not Required when all above-the-line items are zeroed out -Fix 1229: Late pay erroneously set status to exception due to comparison between unrounded genereated effort values against user-entered CS values -Fix 1231: Report generation zeroes out entered effort & CS values on ATL items not present on previous version -Fix 1234: Late pay doesn't add in CS commitment when checking for ATL 'long lines' -Fix 1235: Late pay fails with a NullPointException when adding version 1.0 of a report Version 8.1 B006 Released 9/5/07 -Fix 1197: FS Interface not handling update of existing PI information Version 8.1 B005 Released 8/29/07 -Fix 893: Delete Role button does not delete role -Fix 905: Notification drop-down on Role page should be filtered -Fix 1119: Values flipped on Reissued notification -Fix 1196: Report builder sometimes fails with NPE when handling cost share commitment on a manually added project on the previous version Version 8.1 B004 Released 8/15/07 -Fix 1179: PI Normalizer not doing work Version 8.1 B003 Released 8/14/07 -Fix 1178: Can't add a SponsoredProject to a report Version 8.1 B002 Released 8/8/07 -Fix 1174: SponsoredProject.toString() broken Version 8.1 Release 7/27/07 -Fix 576: Add ability to select all found search items -Fix 578: Create Error Message if attempt to give two searches the same name -Fix 688: Max results sticky on admin screens -Fix 908: Add support for multiple co-pi (co-investigators) -Fix 919: FS process doesn't allow update of funding source from non-sponsored to sponsored status -Fix 990: Sorting options for effort report list -Fix 991: Add Home Department to Effort Report list -Fix 1001: Page user list -Fix 1010: SponsoredProjectSearchInterface process to build searches based on data found in SponsoredProject Project_Alt_ID column -Fix 1012: Navigate to next report when clicking "Certify". -Fix 1044: Paging on View Reporting Periods screen -Fix 1088: Set MaxResultsAdminScreens property in PreferenceManager Release 8.1 also incorporates these previously released changes: Version 8.0 B010 Released 7/23/07 -Fix 1134: Update password on account setting screen doesn't do anything -Fix 1143: Late pay reissued certified reports when only below-the-line balance changes -Fix 1144: Late pay reissuing reports because of faulty comparison between a rounded and non-rounded field -Fix 1145: Late pay wipes entered cost sharing commitment -Fix 1146: Late pay doesn't subtract negative cost sharing against Other Sponsored before offsetting cost share commitments against Non-Sponsored total -Fix 1149: Report generation not detecting exceptional status when cost sharing offset greater than Non-Sponsored total and when negative cost sharing against Other Sponsored greater than Other Sponsored total -Fix 1151: Can't delete non-subscribed saved searches Version 8.0 B009 Released 6/25/07 -Fix 942: The online help links to the training modules don't work in IE -Fix 1120: Late pay converts non-required reports to required when above-the-line items(s) total zero effort -Fix 1121: Late pay not using change audit columns -Fix 1122: Late Pay copying old 'entered' values when no adjustment has been made -Fix 1130: Handle filter category misconfiguration at search time -Fix 1131: Enable multiple exit URLs for external authentication -Fix 1138: Externally authenticated PIs can't access implicit permissions Version 8.0 B008 Released 6/8/07 -Fix 1099: Can't delete a subscribed My Projects if the owner name has a single quote in it Version 8.0 B007 Released 6/1/07 -Fix 756: Version scrolling loses some url params -Fix 935: Displayed Employee ID and Home Department in the Exported and Sent Reports. -Fix 1092: Late pay builds/reopens reports when there's only ineligible/invalid late pay earnings to consider -Fix 1093: Late pay drops manually added SPs when rebuilding -Fix 1096: Late pay drops negative costing sharing against other SPs entered value Version 8.0 B006 Notes Released 5/25/07 -Fix 1082: Removing and adding same SP to a report raises a Hibernate exception -Fix 1089: Can't delete items from a saved search -Fix 1047: Generating late pay report for a certified/not-required report causes NPE Also includes debug-level logging of external authentication and enablement of request-header storage of external authentication tokens Version 8.0 B005 Notes Released 5/18/07 -Fix 1024: Updated HomeDept names according to the existing PAR file. -Fix 1072: Avoid NPE in ReportDueReminder -Fix 1073: Use project Id instead of sponsored project PK value in CDUE reminders -Fix 1074: Trim project name in notification setter when > 60 and setting decertification notification -Fix 1077: Rollback reopening of a multiline report when notification setting fails Version 8.0 B004 Notes -Fix 1027: Version Up was copying generated value for non-sponsored ReportCategoryItems instead of entered value, making editing that field impossible Version 8.0 B003 Notes -Fix 1031: Compliance reporting link missing from admin screen -Fix 1032: DB2 V8 upgrade script has unnecessary insert for user 'sys.comp' Version 8.0 B002 Notes -Fix 1009: R8 upgrade DDL/DML to base create and install scripts -Fix 1017: Sort subscribed my projects by owner's emp name -Fix 1023: Reporting view ERSCertReport had column > 18 chars, breaking db2 v7 Version 8.0 B001 Notes -Fix 833: Editing reporting period was flipping run and certification dates for an edited period. -Fix 949: Prevent multiple MyRpts and/or MyProjs when 2 or more users share the same empID -Fix 968: Wrong hibernate type in ReportDueReminder query -Fix 971: update report version number in the Last Modified column on the report report list after a report is edited. -Fix 989: Handle users with a built-in My Reports who lack related Employee when trying to run that search. -Fix 993: Fix NPE when logging in ResourceGenerator -Fix 995: Handle searches that are missing their owners when building the manage searches list. Version 7.5 B011 Notes Released 6/8/07 -Fix 833/956: Reporting Period run/due dates flipped when saving a reporting period, cause operation to fail -Fix 1099: Can't delete a subscribed My Projects if the owner name has a single quote in it Version 7.5 B010 Notes Released 6/1/07 -Fix 756: Version scrolling loses some url params -Fix 935: Displayed Employee ID and Home Department in the Exported and Sent Reports. -Fix 1092: Late pay builds/reopens reports when there's only ineligible/invalid late pay earnings to consider -Fix 1093: Late pay drops manually added SPs when rebuilding -Fix 1096: Late pay drops negative costing sharing against other SPs entered value Version 7.5 B009 Notes Released 5/25/07 -Fix 1082: Removing and adding same SP to a report raises a Hibernate exception -Fix 1089: Can't delete items from a saved search -Fix 1047: Generating late pay report for a certified/not-required report causes NPE Also includes debug-level logging of external authentication and enablement of request-header storage of external authentication tokens Version 7.5 B008 Notes Released 5/18/07 -Fix 1024: Updated HomeDept names according to the existing PAR file. -Fix 1072: Avoid NPE in ReportDueReminder -Fix 1073: Use project Id instead of sponsored project PK value in CDUE reminders -Fix 1074: Trim project name in notification setter when > 60 and setting decertification notification -Fix 1077: Rollback reopening of a multiline report when notification setting fails Version 7.5 B007 Notes -Fix 1027: Version Up was copying generated value instead of entered value for Non-Sponsored Category Items Version 7.5 B006 Notes -Fix 993: Avoid NPEs when single generating and/or adding sponsored projects to a report. Version 7.5 B005 Notes -Fix 949: Don't create extra My Projects/My reports when second user with same employee ID logs in for the first time Flush writer when sending response after sending report/list. Version 7.5 B004 Notes -Fix 971: Report version numbers displayed in "Last Modified" column not updating on report list after editing report(s) and navigating back to the report list. -Fix 977: Exceptions caught in edu.ucop.ers.struts.action.Session not logged in console Version 7.5 B003 Notes -Prevent leaking database connections in SignIn.do Version 7.5 B002 Notes -Fix 948: report when a My Projects subscribe fails due to too many My Projects owned by target PI. (Underlying cause bug 949 not fixed in this release). -Fix 963: Race condition deadlock when different users are saving search combined with deleting search Version 7.5 B001 Notes -The permission icons on the report list are now optional. Set the ERSConfig.xml item "Options.show-perm-icons" to "false" to turn them off. This will result in a substantial improvement in the report list loading performance. The tradeoff is the user experience is diminished. -Fix bug 955: ReportDueReminder blocked by ClassCastException. Version 7.4 B006 Notes -Fix bug 926: can't change startup type on the Manage Saved Searches Page -Fix bug 939: report-to-report navigation broken when the report is dirty -Fix bug 952: exception when saving an edited search Version 7.4 B005 Notes -Fix bug 923: printing report and report list issues -Fix bugs 931/933: problems arising from first-time users entering ERS via search subscription005 Notes -Fix bug 923: printing report and report list issues -Fix bugs 931/933: problems arising from first-time users entering ERS via search subscription